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The PySQLXEngine has four methods to execute queries:

  • .query(): Returns all rows of the query. The results are returned as a list of BaseRow.
  • .query_first(): Returns the first row of the query. The result is returned as a BaseRow.
  • .query_as_dict(): Returns all rows of the query. The results are returned as a list of dict.
  • .query_first_as_dict(): Returns the first row of the query. The result is returned as a dict.

You can use the same methods for both sync and async. All the methods accept the sql and parameters arguments.

Create a file and add the code examples below.

Query result as dict

The .query_as_dict() and .query_first_as_dict() methods are useful when you want to get the results as a list of dict or a dict.
from pysqlx_engine import PySQLXEngine

async def main():
    uri = "sqlite:./db.db"
    db = PySQLXEngine(uri=uri)
    await db.connect()

    sql = "SELECT 1 AS id, 'Rian' AS name"

    resp1 = await db.query_as_dict(sql=sql)
    resp2 = await db.query_first_as_dict(sql=sql)

    print("returned:", resp1, "as a list of dicts")
    print("returned:", resp2, "as a dict")

import asyncio
from pysqlx_engine import PySQLXEngineSync

def main():
    uri = "sqlite:./db.db"
    db = PySQLXEngineSync(uri=uri)

    sql = "SELECT 1 AS id, 'Rian' AS name"

    resp1 = db.query_as_dict(sql=sql)
    resp2 = db.query_first_as_dict(sql=sql)

    print("returned:", resp1, "as a list of dicts")
    print("returned:", resp2, "as a dict")

# running the code

Running the code using the terminal

$ python3

returned: [{'id': 1, 'name': 'Rian'}] as a list of dict 
returned: {'id': 1, 'name': 'Rian'} as a dict

Query result as BaseRow

The .query() and .query_first() methods are useful when you want to get the results as a list of BaseRow or a BaseRow.

BaseRow is a class that represents a row of the query result. It has the same attributes as the columns of the query result. The BaseRow is an inheritance from Pydantic BaseModel.
from pysqlx_engine import PySQLXEngine

async def main():
    uri = "sqlite:./db.db"
    db = PySQLXEngine(uri=uri)
    await db.connect()

    sql = "SELECT 1 AS id, 'Rian' AS name"

    resp1 = await db.query(sql=sql)
    resp2 = await db.query_first(sql=sql)

    print("returned:", resp1, "as a list of BaseRow")
    print("returned:", resp2, "as a BaseRow")

import asyncio
from pysqlx_engine import PySQLXEngineSync

def main():
    uri = "sqlite:./db.db"
    db = PySQLXEngineSync(uri=uri)

    sql = "SELECT 1 AS id, 'Rian' AS name"

    resp1 = db.query(sql=sql)
    resp2 = db.query_first(sql=sql)

    print("returned:", resp1, "as a list of BaseRow")
    print("returned:", resp2, "as a BaseRow")

# running the code

Running the code using the terminal

$ python3

returned: [BaseRow(id=1, name='Rian')] as a list of BaseRow
returned: BaseRow(id=1, name='Rian') as a BaseRow

Query result as MyModel

The .query() and .query_first() methods are useful when you want to get the results as a list of MyModel or a MyModel.

The PySQLXEngine has a feature to convert the query result to a custom model. You can use the model argument to specify the model.

Using the model argument, you can have an autocomplete feature in your IDE, this brings more security and makes development easier.


The model argument is only available for the .query() and .query_first() methods. The model needs to inherit from BaseRow, you can use from pysqlx_engine import BaseRow to import the BaseRow class.

Create a file and add the code examples below.
from pysqlx_engine import BaseRow

class User(BaseRow):
    id: int
    name: str

Create a file and add the code examples below.
from pysqlx_engine import PySQLXEngine
from models import User

async def main():
    uri = "sqlite:./db.db"
    db = PySQLXEngine(uri=uri)
    await db.connect()

    sql = "SELECT 1 AS id, 'Rian' AS name"

    resp1 = await db.query(sql=sql, model=User)
    resp2 = await db.query_first(sql=sql, model=User)

    print("returned:", resp1, "as a list of User")
    print("returned:", resp2, "as a User")

import asyncio
from pysqlx_engine import PySQLXEngineSync
from models import User

def main():
    uri = "sqlite:./db.db"
    db = PySQLXEngineSync(uri=uri)

    sql = "SELECT 1 AS id, 'Rian' AS name"

    resp1 = db.query(sql=sql, model=User)
    resp2 = db.query_first(sql=sql, model=User)

    print("returned:", resp1, "as a list of User")
    print("returned:", resp2, "as a User")

# running the code

You can see the autocomple.

Visual Studio Code

VScode screen, show the autocomplete.


PyCharm screen, show the autocomplete.

Running the code using the terminal

$ python3

returned: [User(id=1, name='Rian')] as a list of User
returned: User(id=1, name='Rian') as a User