Type mappings¶
When introspecting a PostgreSQL database, the database types are mapped to PySQLXEngine according to the following table:
PostgreSQL (Type / Aliases) | Python | Supported |
bigint / int8 | int | ✔️ |
boolean / bool | bool | ✔️ |
timestamp with time zone / timestamptz | datetime | ✔️ |
time without time zone / time | time | ✔️ |
time with time zone / timetz | time | ✔️ |
numeric(p,s) / decimal(p,s) | decimal | ✔️ |
real / float, float4 | float | ✔️ |
double precision / float8 | float | ✔️ |
smallint / int2 | int | ✔️ |
integer / int, int4 | int | ✔️ |
smallserial / serial2 | int | ✔️ |
serial / serial4 | int | ✔️ |
bigserial / serial8 | int | ✔️ |
character(n) / char(n) | str | ✔️ |
character varying(n) / varchar(n) | str | ✔️ |
money | decimal | ✔️ |
text | str | ✔️ |
timestamp | datetime | ✔️ |
date | date | ✔️ |
enum | str | ✔️ |
inet | str | ✔️ |
bit(n) | str | ✔️ |
bit varying(n) | str | ✔️ |
oid | int | ✔️ |
uuid | uuid | ✔️ |
json | dict/list | ✔️ |
jsonb | dict/list | ✔️ |
bytea | bytes | ✔️ |
xml | str | ✔️ |
Array types | tuple | ✔️ |
citext | str | ✔️ |
interval | Unsupported | Not yet |
cidr | Unsupported | Not yet |
macaddr | Unsupported | Not yet |
tsvector | Unsupported | Not yet |
tsquery | Unsupported | Not yet |
int4range | Unsupported | Not yet |
int8range | Unsupported | Not yet |
numrange | Unsupported | Not yet |
tsrange | Unsupported | Not yet |
tstzrange | Unsupported | Not yet |
daterange | Unsupported | Not yet |
point | Unsupported | Not yet |
line | Unsupported | Not yet |
lseg | Unsupported | Not yet |
box | Unsupported | Not yet |
path | Unsupported | Not yet |
polygon | Unsupported | Not yet |
circle | Unsupported | Not yet |
Composite types | n/a | Not yet |
Domain types | n/a | Not yet |
When introspecting a MySQL database, the database types are mapped to PySQLXEngine according to the following table:
MySQL (Type / Aliases) | Python | Supported |
serial | int | ✔️ |
bigint | int | ✔️ |
bigint unsigned | int | ✔️ |
bit | bytes | ✔️ |
boolean | tinyint(1) | bool | ✔️ |
varbinary | bytes | ✔️ |
longblob | bytes | ✔️ |
tinyblob | bytes | ✔️ |
mediumblob | bytes | ✔️ |
blob | bytes | ✔️ |
binary | bytes | ✔️ |
date | datetime | ✔️ |
datetime | datetime | ✔️ |
timestamp | datetime | ✔️ |
time | time | ✔️ |
decimal(a,b) | decimal | ✔️ |
numeric(a,b) | decimal | ✔️ |
enum | str | ✔️ |
float | float | ✔️ |
double | float | ✔️ |
smallint | int | ✔️ |
smallint unsigned | int | ✔️ |
mediumint | int | ✔️ |
mediumint unsigned | int | ✔️ |
int | int | ✔️ |
int unsigned | int | ✔️ |
tinyint | int | ✔️ |
tinyint unsigned | int | ✔️ |
year | int | ✔️ |
json | dict/list | ✔️ |
char | str | ✔️ |
varchar | str | ✔️ |
tinytext | str | ✔️ |
text | str | ✔️ |
mediumtext | str | ✔️ |
longtext | str | ✔️ |
set | Unsupported | Not yet |
geometry | Unsupported | Not yet |
point | Unsupported | Not yet |
linestring | Unsupported | Not yet |
polygon | Unsupported | Not yet |
multipoint | Unsupported | Not yet |
multilinestring | Unsupported | Not yet |
multipolygon | Unsupported | Not yet |
geometrycollection | Unsupported | Not yet |
Microsoft SQL Server¶
When introspecting a Microsoft SQL Server database, the database types are mapped to PySQLXEngine according to the following table:
Microsoft SQL Server | Python | Supported |
char | str | ✔️ |
nchar | str | ✔️ |
varchar | str | ✔️ |
nvarchar | str | ✔️ |
text | str | ✔️ |
ntext | str | ✔️ |
xml | str | ✔️ |
uniqueidentifier | uuid | ✔️ |
tinyint | bool | ✔️ |
bit | bool | ✔️ |
int | int | ✔️ |
smallint | int | ✔️ |
tinyint | int | ✔️ |
bit | int | ✔️ |
bigint | int | ✔️ |
decimal/numeric | decimal | ✔️ |
money | decimal | ✔️ |
date | date | ✔️ |
time | time | ✔️ |
datetime | datetime | ✔️ |
datetime2 | datetime | ✔️ |
smalldatetime | datetime | ✔️ |
datetimeoffset | datetime | ✔️ |
binary | bytes | ✔️ |
varbinary | bytes | ✔️ |
image | bytes | ✔️ |
When introspecting a SQLite database, the database types are mapped to PySQLXEngine according to the following table:
SQLite (Type / Aliases) | Python | Supported |
TEXT | str | ✔️ |
BOOLEAN | bool | ✔️ |
INTEGER | int | ✔️ |
NUMERIC | decimal | ✔️ |
REAL | float | ✔️ |
DECIMAL | decimal | ✔️ |
BLOB | bytes | ✔️ |