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Type mappings


When introspecting a PostgreSQL database, the database types are mapped to PySQLXEngine according to the following table:

PostgreSQL (Type / Aliases) Python Supported
bigint / int8 int ✔️
boolean / bool bool ✔️
timestamp with time zone / timestamptz datetime ✔️
time without time zone / time time ✔️
time with time zone / timetz time ✔️
numeric(p,s) / decimal(p,s) decimal ✔️
real / float, float4 float ✔️
double precision / float8 float ✔️
smallint / int2 int ✔️
integer / int, int4 int ✔️
smallserial / serial2 int ✔️
serial / serial4 int ✔️
bigserial / serial8 int ✔️
character(n) / char(n) str ✔️
character varying(n) / varchar(n) str ✔️
money decimal ✔️
text str ✔️
timestamp datetime ✔️
date date ✔️
enum str ✔️
inet str ✔️
bit(n) str ✔️
bit varying(n) str ✔️
oid int ✔️
uuid uuid ✔️
json dict/list ✔️
jsonb dict/list ✔️
bytea bytes ✔️
xml str ✔️
Array types tuple ✔️
citext str ✔️
interval Unsupported Not yet
cidr Unsupported Not yet
macaddr Unsupported Not yet
tsvector Unsupported Not yet
tsquery Unsupported Not yet
int4range Unsupported Not yet
int8range Unsupported Not yet
numrange Unsupported Not yet
tsrange Unsupported Not yet
tstzrange Unsupported Not yet
daterange Unsupported Not yet
point Unsupported Not yet
line Unsupported Not yet
lseg Unsupported Not yet
box Unsupported Not yet
path Unsupported Not yet
polygon Unsupported Not yet
circle Unsupported Not yet
Composite types n/a Not yet
Domain types n/a Not yet


When introspecting a MySQL database, the database types are mapped to PySQLXEngine according to the following table:

MySQL (Type / Aliases) Python Supported
serial int ✔️
bigint int ✔️
bigint unsigned int ✔️
bit bytes ✔️
boolean | tinyint(1) bool ✔️
varbinary bytes ✔️
longblob bytes ✔️
tinyblob bytes ✔️
mediumblob bytes ✔️
blob bytes ✔️
binary bytes ✔️
date datetime ✔️
datetime datetime ✔️
timestamp datetime ✔️
time time ✔️
decimal(a,b) decimal ✔️
numeric(a,b) decimal ✔️
enum str ✔️
float float ✔️
double float ✔️
smallint int ✔️
smallint unsigned int ✔️
mediumint int ✔️
mediumint unsigned int ✔️
int int ✔️
int unsigned int ✔️
tinyint int ✔️
tinyint unsigned int ✔️
year int ✔️
json dict/list ✔️
char str ✔️
varchar str ✔️
tinytext str ✔️
text str ✔️
mediumtext str ✔️
longtext str ✔️
set Unsupported Not yet
geometry Unsupported Not yet
point Unsupported Not yet
linestring Unsupported Not yet
polygon Unsupported Not yet
multipoint Unsupported Not yet
multilinestring Unsupported Not yet
multipolygon Unsupported Not yet
geometrycollection Unsupported Not yet

Microsoft SQL Server

When introspecting a Microsoft SQL Server database, the database types are mapped to PySQLXEngine according to the following table:

Microsoft SQL Server Python Supported
char str ✔️
nchar str ✔️
varchar str ✔️
nvarchar str ✔️
text str ✔️
ntext str ✔️
xml str ✔️
uniqueidentifier uuid ✔️
tinyint bool ✔️
bit bool ✔️
int int ✔️
smallint int ✔️
tinyint int ✔️
bit int ✔️
bigint int ✔️
decimal/numeric decimal ✔️
money decimal ✔️
date date ✔️
time time ✔️
datetime datetime ✔️
datetime2 datetime ✔️
smalldatetime datetime ✔️
datetimeoffset datetime ✔️
binary bytes ✔️
varbinary bytes ✔️
image bytes ✔️


When introspecting a SQLite database, the database types are mapped to PySQLXEngine according to the following table:

SQLite (Type / Aliases) Python Supported
TEXT str ✔️
BOOLEAN bool ✔️
INTEGER int ✔️
NUMERIC decimal ✔️
REAL float ✔️
DECIMAL decimal ✔️
BLOB bytes ✔️